Rehabilitation Information and Research on Burns

Arizona Burn Center

The Arizona Burn Center website contains numerous journal article references, a OT and PT Protocol Manual as well as rehabilitation guidelines. The site also describes their team member's role in the rehabilitation of burn survivors.

Barbara Knothe Burn Therapist Achievement Award

The website provides burn OTs and PTs with resources such as a calendar of upcoming events, job links, articles involving burn care and rehabilitation, as well as a "Splinting Quarterly".

The website provides very detailed, comprehensive, step-by-step information. It provides a complete range of information from the initial burn assessment to treatment protocols and finally, criteria for referral to a specialty burn center.

Entraide Grands Brûlés

The site Entraide Grands Brûlés continues a mission of support for the social rehabilitation of the burns survivors. More precisely, the organization proposes a range of services in order to accompany the burns survivors and their family throughout the process of healing, from hospitalization and rehabilitation to integration to the normal life (French only).

Journal of Burn Care and Research

The Journal of Burn Care and Research is the official on-line journal of the American Burn Association. The site allows clinicians to review abstracts* of quality, peer-reviewed articles on burn survivor treatment and rehabilitation.

*Electronic subscription is required to view the full article.

Medline Plus 1

Medline Plus 1 provides a comprehensive list of reliable links. The topics range from the latest news to burn prevention and treatment. The site also links to PubMed which provides clinicians with a saved search that presents research articles published recently.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides a pediatric traumatic stress tool kit for health care providers. This tool kit, which is very applicable for children that have sustained burn injuries, provides background information on traumatic stress as it relates to children facing illness, injury, and other medical events with accompanying practical tips and tools for healthcare providers and handouts that can be given to parents of children with burn injuries.

University of Washington’s Burn Center

The University of Washington’s Burn Center website presents a detailed list of ongoing as well as published research. The goal of the site is to disseminate knowledge generated by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Burn Injury Rehabilitation Model System Program.

Burn Associations

American Burn Association

The American Burn Association provides quality information on burn awareness, prevention as well as several links to help facilitate research, including a useful link to the annual National Burn Repository Report.

Australian and New Zealand Burn Association

The Australian and New Zealand Burn Association provides a "Publication" link containing a Guideline Manual for Burn Patient Management. This manual contains useful information on treatment, pain management, respiratory management along with many other topics.

International Society for Burn Injuries

The International Society for Burn Injuries is a thorough source of information for non-members, using the "Educational Opportunities" link. Useful topics include outpatient burn care, in hospital burn care, pain management and infection control in burn patients.

Wound Care and Wound Care Associations

Health Canada

Health Canada provides a comprehensive first-aid guide for clinicians, including a list of criteria to assess skin, causes of burns, how to evaluate the degree and total body area affected as well as the associated treatments and contra-indications. (Bilingual)

Metro Health Burn Center

The Metro Health Burn Center website provides a useful link entitled "Transport Protocol" which outlines the Burn Center's referral criteria, assessment considerations, differential diagnosis and initial wound management.

Société Francaise et Francophone des plaies et cicatrisations

The "Société Française et Francophone des plaies et cicatrisations" is a website which provides a useful "Base de connaissances" link that leads clinicians to a "Brûlure" link. This link contains information on topics such as : burns, wound care, scarring and evaluation of quality of life scales. (French only)

Support Groups

Burn Survivors Online

Burn Survivors Online is a forum for burn survivors who wish to participate in online discussions, read the stories or inspirational works of other survivors, or if they want to place an online profile they may do so.

Changing Faces

Changing Faces is a non-profit organization that supports and represents people with disfigurements. Included on the website is information about the challenges faced by individuals with disfigurements and resources for health care professionals, teachers, parents, adults, and children.

Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors

The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors website allows survivors on-line access to the "Burn Support News" publication, which produces articles on the emotional, psychological and social aspects of burn recovery for both the family and the burn survivor.

Burn Prevention and First Aid

American Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention website provides factual information on burn incidence, as well as information on home, hotel and workplace fire safety. The site also provides immediate first aid treatment specific to the depth of the burn.

Burn Institute

The Burn Institute website provides a very useful link entitled "Fire and Burn Prevention". This link allows clients to search through several fact sheets that provide information on campfire safety, children's sleepwear and cooking safety tips among others.

Burn Prevention Foundation

The Burn Prevention Foundation website lists several burn prevention programs and information, including children's fire safety and Burn Prevention Programs as well as community awareness. These programs must be requested through the "Contact Us" link.

Canadian Red Cross 1

The Canadian Red Cross 1 website offers a comprehensive first aid guide for burn (including chemical). It also includes a section on what steps to follow and which steps must always be avoided in the first aid treatment depending on the location of the wound. (French only)

Canadian Red Cross 2

The Canadian Red Cross 2 offers a french first aid guide for parents in an emergency situation. It is clear and easy to understand. (French only)

Canadian Red Cross 3

The Canadian Red Cross 3 offers a french first aid guide for chemical burns. The site is designed for parents so it is both clear and easy to understand. (French only)

Loyola University Health System

The Loyola University Health System website on fire and burns has links such as "Fire Prevention" which provides safety tips such as how to design a fire escape plan for the family, as well as a fire safety checklist for the entire house.

Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic website provides clear, easy-to-understand first aid guides for burns, chemical burns and electrical burns.

Medline Plus 2

The Medline Plus 2 website provides a multimedia presentation on factual information on burn incidence, the skin, and symptoms.

Ministere de l’Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement superieur et de la Recherche Direction de la Technologie

The "Ministere de l’Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement superieur et de la Recherche Direction de la Technologie" website provides a comprehensive french guide to burn prevention and first aid treatment. (French only)

The National Ag Safety Database

The National Ag Safety Database provides numerous useful links, including general "Fire Safety" and "First Aid" tips which are specifically geared to farming communities. Within the "First Aid" links, there are relevant topics including "First Aid for Electrical Accidents", "Hot Water Burns" and "Prevention and Treatment of Burns: Miscellaneous Causes".

Quebec's Worker's Compensation Board

Quebec's Worker's Compensation Board offers general information on burns, including first aid information for thermal, chemical, electrical and inhalation burns. (French only)

All links posted on this website were evaluated using the Biome’s steps to evaluating an internet-based information source. If you have any comments on the rating of these links or you would like to see links added or deleted, please contact us.