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What tools are available to loved ones to help them cope with the new situation?

Log intended for the brain-injured person and family members

This log is included in the Traumatic Brain Injury brochure published by the SAAQ. Spaces are provided for documenting the events following the accident, drawing up a list of disabilities and the difficulties observed, and noting daily activities and the intervention plan as well as questions to ask caregivers and resource persons. The log also includes a list of organizations operating under rehabilitation service agreements.

Le traumatisme crânien, guide à l’usage des proches

Written by Michel Leclercq and published by the Éditions SOLAL, in 2007 (in French). This guide includes information on different aspects (medical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural) of the injury, methods (medical and revalidation) as well as available assistance (social and community organizations). The author addresses problems that families face in their daily lives and at each stage of the injured person’s progress and offers suggestions on how to deal with them.

TANDEM, log intended for loved ones of persons having suffered TBI or a stroke

This tool was developed by Josée Lacerte and Kathleen Taupier, social workers at the Lucie-Bruneau Rehabilitation Centre. It is aimed at helping loved ones cope throughout the rehabilitation period, with a focus on the autonomy of the brain-injured person. Topics include: a report on the energy and impact of the accident, fatigue, motivation, guilt, rights and needs, etc. For more information, call , and ask to speak with a social worker in the TBI program.

My dad’s had a brain injury!

Headway, National Head Injuries Association, United Kingdom. Editor’s site:

Head Injury

This small guide explains to families what to do following a minor brain injury. It can be found on the site of the Capital District Health Authority, Nova Scotia.

Vous connaissez quelqu’un qui a été victime d’un traumatisme crânien ?

Headway, National Head Injuries Association, United Kingdom. In French. Editor’s site: Union nationale des associations de familles de traumatisés crâniens (UNAFTC).